Natural Rejuvenation
Natural Rejuvenation
For Optimal Wellness
For Optimal Wellness
About Us
Dr. Terri Hawkins, N.D., Ph.D.
Terri Hawkins is a Doctor of Naturopathy and holds her Ph.D. in Nutritional Science. She is a member of the American Association of Drugless Practioners (AADP) and registered as a Naturopath through the Department of Professional Licensing. In addition, she holds her National Certification in Colon Hydrotherapy through the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT).
Dr. Hawkins is a graduate of Hypnotherapy through the Institute of Mindsight Consultants Cognitive Behavior Sciences. She has studied Mind/Body Medicine and extensive medicinal treatments in the physical and emotional aspects of health. In addition, Dr. Hawkins is a professional level International Certified Body Therapist and a Certified Reflexologist.
Dr. Hawkins has spent years researching, developing and putting into practice her expertise. She has written for various health magazines, and publications, and is in constant pursuit of advanced Medical Sciences.
She also serves as Sec/Treasurer on the National Board of Colon Hydrotherapy.
Dr. Tiffany (Hawkins) Adams, Ph.D.
Tiffany Adams holds her Ph.D. in Nutritional Science and has National Certification in Colon Hydrotherapy.
Dr. Adams is a graduate of Hypnotherapy from the Institute of Mindsight Consultants Cognitive Behavior Sciences. Dr. Adams follows in the health and wellness field learning from her mother, Dr. Terri Hawkins, Ph.D. and her grandmother, Joyce Havener, a pioneer and dedicated teacher to some of the top Holistic Practitioners in the various Natural Healing Fields today.
Dr. Adams co-authored the book, "From the Bottom Up" with her mother, Dr. Terri Hawkins.