Natural Rejuvenation
Natural Rejuvenation
For Optimal Wellness
For Optimal Wellness
Turning Supplements into Edible Foods and Drinks
By: Dr. Terri Hawkins

In our modern times with our advanced technology we face the devastation of our foods lacking in nutrients, vitamins and minerals even more than in the so called “pioneer times”. How can this be we ask? Because the market has become that of multi-profit and the distortion from this level of thinking reaches to everyone worldwide. To fill this great void many have turned to supplements in order to not only maintain their health, but to reach a level of even maintaining. This imbalance has created chronic as well as degenerative diseases, causing more than a few supplements needed daily. The question is not only how to filter in the cost to everyone’s budget, but how to consume the multitude of pills. One way is to try and convert as many supplements as we can into anything edible or drinkable. The most potent of supplementation would be without question to juice fresh vegetables and fruits. This would be equal to bottles of supplements. It becomes medicinal at this point – like that of medicine. However, there are specific nutrients that we may be targeting that would necessitate additional supplements. Some of the Herbs can be bought in liquid form and put into frozen grape juice to disguise the taste. This works very well for not only young children, but also adults. We are all attached to the visual aspect of presentation. In the Health Institutes it is a known fact that a drink less palatable becomes extremely desirable when administered in a more eloquent glass with garnishing of fruits or vegetables on the edge of the glass, a doily to neatly place it on; candles if necessary and a serene surrounding. Surprisingly our acceptance of juice filled with Herbs transfers quickly from strange and different tasting to magnificent and special. We are a visual culture and can lead not only others but ourselves with different senses that we play upon. What’s most hilarious is that we trick ourselves with total awareness, and we accept this while seeming to be well satisfied with the process.
Not everything can be juiced or put into grape juice but there is still the option of making drinks in a blender with soymilk and/or fruit to override the taste. Banana works well because it is smooth and overpowers easily.
A drink that targets degenerative as well as chronic and immune system disorders would be best taken in the morning with the following ingredients:
Place all the ingredients in a blender
Soymilk, Feast, Goats Whey, Enzyme Botanika, Opuntia-S, Forest Delight, Willard Water (liquid), MSM (liquid), Stevia, frozen banana, ice
This is a very powerful and tasty drink with loaded nutrients. The banana makes it very smooth, although other fruits can be added as well.
Another way of consuming these nutrients is to take this drink and pour it over Old Fashioned Oats; then dehydrate it at a very low temperature into a granola which you could then add various dried fruits, seeds and nuts for a meal or snack. The idea is that the more we can consume that is healthy than the stronger our immune system will be, so why not turn as many of our supplements as possible into edible foods and drink.
The above ingredients were used for the following reason.
Soymilk – for protein
Feast (by Nature’s Dream) – for immune system, cancer, or critically ill. This “one”
supplement alone contains the following:
Botanical Protein and Carbohydrate – from Soy Protein Isolate, Raw Millet, Quinona, and Amaranth, Spirulina Blue-Green Algae, Chlorella.
Antioxidants – from Grape Seed extract, Orange peel, Green Tea extract, Pumpkin Seed, Bilberry extract.
Anti-Aging Nutrients – from Chinese Wolfberry Extract and Soy Lecithin.
Botanical Minerals – from Icelandic Kelp and trace Mineral Complex.
Coenzymes – Coenzyme Q10, plus Lipoic Acid.
Enzymes – Alpha Amylase, Cellulase, Superoxide Dismutase.
Therapeutic Herbs – Extracts of Echinacea, Hawthorn, Gingko Biloba, and Silymarin.
Probiotic Nutrient – FOS (Fructo Oligosacharide).
Essential Fatty Acids – from Flaxseed and Evening Primrose Oil.
Natural Hormone Precursor – from Mexican Wild Yam extract.
Digestive Enzymes – from Green Papaya.
Botanical Fiber – from Opuntia Streptacantha Cactus pulp.
Vitamins – Beta Carotene, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, Calcium Ascorbate, Choline Bitatrate, D, E, and Folic Acid.
Minerals – Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc.
Goats Whey (by Nature’s Dream) - for a natural acid neutralizer, also for digestion and joint pains.
Inflora (by Nature’s Dream) – for lactobacillus acidophilus; and bifidus oxygenate to purify the system.
Enzyme Botanika (by Nature’s Dream) – an extract of 60 enzyme-rich vegetables, fruits, and herbs to restore the body’s stock of life-essential enzymes.
Opuntia-S (by Nature’s Dream) – a 100% natural source of health-essential dietary fiber.
Forest Delight (by Nature’s Dream) – for immune system and degenerative diseases.
Colon Oxygenator (by Nature’s Dream) – provides a gentle, safe, and effective means of softening and loosening the stools to promote regular and comfortable bowel activity.
Willard Water – to pull toxic waste from the body and for a synergistic affect on vitamins and minerals.
MSM – for joints and arthritic pain and mobility.
Stevia – for a sweetener, to improve regularity, cleanse the colon, support the liver, helps control free radicals and overgrowth of Candida (yeast).
Banana Frozen or other fruit – for smoothness and taste, added vitamins.
Ice – to make the drink cold and more like a shake.